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Marriage Proposal Mistakes

9 Marriage Proposal Mistakes

Make your proposal one that she will always remember... for the right reasons!

Every woman has an idea of how she'd like her beloved to propose to her. Some might have this fantasy of a knight in shining armour, white horse and all, to whisk her off her feet and propose. Others are more realistic (how many knights do you know out there lady?) and hope that a very special someone will bend down on one knee and profess his love for her.

Unfortunately, today's era of text messaging and plethora of gadgets have made communication so impersonal; that most men don't know the dos and don'ts of a good marriage proposal. A big blunder on your part could dampen that excitement she has been dreaming about. Yes, she'll probably still marry you but do you want her to remember this very special moment for the right reason or all the wrong ones? Make this moment memorable for both of you, by avoiding some common mistakes.

1.    Going Without A Ring - Some women might tell you they wouldn't mind if they got the ring later, but believe me when I say they're lying. They all secretly hope that their husband-to-be comes with a ring in tow. If you don't know her size or style, ask her sister or friend to help you. An alternate would be to make sure the jeweller is willing to resize once you've proposed.

2.      Proposing Electronically - She may have accepted your first date request over SMS and the two of you might be communicating on your blackberries or facebook walls. But that's different. A marriage proposal has to be done in person. There's no two ways about that. If there's distance involved, and you really cannot travel there, a phone call or an internet based web-cam call is your next best option.
3.  Leaking The News - She wants to be the first one to hear it. Please don't go announcing it to your friends and family before you ask her to marry you. People love gossiping even after being sworn into secrecy. How embarrassing for her to bump into your buddies who congratulate her on an engagement she is yet to hear about herself!

4.   Surprising Her At Work - Nope, it's not romantic, even if movies might tell you otherwise. Maybe she's comfortable mixing the professional and personal lives. This is a special moment and these are not the people you want to share it with. Besides, her reaction will be subject to public display which she may not appreciate.

5.   Choosing A Noisy Bar / Club - The two of you have been bar hopping every Saturday night for the last year and you think it's only natural to propose here. But will she be able to hear the magical words of your proposal? A quieter setting is more appropriate for this occasion. Take her out to a romantic dinner or be creative and plan a quiet picnic for just the two of you. 

6.      Doing It On Impulse - Being drunk, depressed or on the rebound from another love is not the right time to propose for marriage. Same goes for instants when you're under the influence of friends or when there's pressure from the family. Your ladylove will guess something is amiss if it's not from your heart. You might regret it later, putting both of you through heartache.

7.    Giving A Long Speech - Sure, she'd like you to read the wonderful speech on 101 reasons why you love her, but not at this moment. Keep it short, simple and sweet. Make sure you do ask her to marry you, and not imply that you know she will. And give her time to show her emotions and say a few words in return.

8.   Proposing In Front Of The Family - Alright, so you've already informed the family; or maybe everyone's expecting it. Her parents might have already given their blessings and they know you will propose at their anniversary party. Stop! Most women want to talk, make plans, hold hands and cuddle after accepting a marriage proposal. Give this moment the privacy it deserves.

9.    Getting Over Creative - Women love creative, romantic proposals. But beware of plans that need much co-ordination or depend on others to be executed. The limo driver who takes her to the wrong restaurant or the waiter who puts the ring into your wine glass - not hers - could be disastrous. Call a responsible friend lest he doesn't keep her out at coffee longer; and she walks into the apartment too early, before you're done with candles spelling "Please marry me."



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