Inter Caste Marriage
Problems attached to Inter Caste Marriage and ways to handle
Caste system has been a rigid part of Indian customs since ages. It is an evil that has made the rules and regulations of the Hindu tradition biased and unfair. Discrimination based on the caste system has ruined the society and created differences among the people belonging to different castes. Marriage is a sacred institution especially in context of Indian customs. Even when the world has become so advanced there are people who follow strict caste rules. Marriages in the Hindu society are caste driven; inter-caste marriages are considered to be a sin and are not approved by the elders.
Why inter-caste marriages are rejected in India?
There are various reasons because of which elders in the Hindu society flinch away from inter-caste marriages like:
v They fear of the societal norms and social standing
v Loss of reputation
v The cultural difference- they believe that the couple will not be able to settle down and religiously follow each other’s culture
v They believe that the children born out of the inter-caste marriage will not be perfect
v Torture that the family and the couple has to face at the hands of the society